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Not-for-Profit Directory

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#Up to the Top

4-H- Youth Department, Purdue University, Wayne County Extension Office

AUp to the Top

Achieva Resources Corporation, Inc. (formerly Green Acres, Inc.)

Adolescent Parent Support (APS) Program - provides resource and referral services and emotional support to pregnant and parenting teens in Wayne and Union Counties.

Adult Day Care of Richmond

Alternatives To Violence Project (AVP) Indiana Inc.

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BUp to the Top

Beth Boruk Temple

Bethlehem Community

Birth to Five

Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne County

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CUp to the Top

Cambridge City Public Library

Cambridge City/Western Wayne County Chamber of Commerce


Centerville Lions Club

Civic Hall Performing Arts Center

Centerville - Center Township Public Library

Churches and Religious Organizations

Communities in Schools

Cope Environmental Center

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DUp to the Top

Drug Free Wayne County

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EUp to the Top

Eastern Indiana Human Resource Association

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FUp to the Top

First English Lutheran Church

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GUp to the Top

Gaar Foundation, Inc.

Genesis - Crisis Shelter

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana

Girl's, Inc.

Golay Community Center

Grassroots Action Resource Center

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HUp to the Top

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Richmond

Hagerstown FFA

Hagerstown Museum and Arts Place

Hagerstown Jefferson Township Public Library

Hayes Arboretum

H.E.L.P. the Animals Shelter

Hope House Addiction Recovery Center

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IUp to the Top

Independent Center

Indiana Football Hall of Fame

Institute for Creative Leadership

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JUp to the Top

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KUp to the Top

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LUp to the Top

La Leche League of Richmond

Levi Coffin House Association


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MUp to the Top

Model T Ford Club of America

Morrisson-Reeves Library

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NUp to the Top

New Life Church of the Nazarene(email link)

North 27 Worship Center

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OUp to the Top

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PUp to the Top

Petra Project, Inc.

Preserve Richmond

Programming and Micros

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QUp to the Top

Quaker Hill Conference Center

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RUp to the Top

Religious Organizations

Richmond Art Museum

Richmond Community Orchestra

Richmond Civic Theatre

Richmond Friends School

Richmond High School Alumni Association

Richmond Neighborhood Restoration

Richmond Rose Garden, Inc.

Richmond Rotary Club

Richmond Shakespeare Festival

Richmond Symphony Orchestra

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SUp to the Top

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Sprout of Control

SPUR, Inc. (Society for the Preservation and Use of Resources)

Starr-Gennett Foundation

Sunrise, Inc. Therapeutic Riding Center

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TUp to the Top

Truebood Preschool

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UUp to the Top

United Way of Whitewater Valley

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VUp to the Top

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WUp to the Top

Wayne County 4-H Fair

Wayne County Cardinal Greenway

Wayne County Challenge

Wayne County Foundation

Wayne County Genealogical Society

Wayne County Historical Museum

Wayne County Special Olympics

Wayne County Women's Resource Network

Wayne-Union County CASA Program

Wernle Youth & Family Treatment Center

Western Wayne Heritage, Inc.

West Richmond Friends Meeting

Whitewater Community Television (WCTV)

Whitewater Valley Pro Bono Commission

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XUp to the Top

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YUp to the Top

Youth As Resources


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ZUp to the Top

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Update your organziation's information on WayNet.org.

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Links of Interest to Not-for-Profits

New Media Toolkit - curated collection of online tools, tutorials and resources is designed to help nonprofits navigate the often intimidating and ever-evolving new media landscape.

Benton Foundation: Topics - working to ensure that media and telecommunications serve the public interest and enhance our democracy.

BoardSource - publications and information from an organization dedicated to building stronger nonprofit boards and stronger nonprofit organizations.  Be sure to check out their Frequently Asked Questions.

CFSites.org Simple, free web solution for nonprofit organizations. Must have 501(c)(3) status.

Free Complete Toolkit for Boards - links to information on administration, responsibilities, management, staff relations and other details of board duties.

GuideStar - In-depth reports on not-for-profits. Great resource for donors. Not-for-profits should assure that their inforamtion is up-to-date.

Indiana Grant Makers Alliance - organization dedicated to advancing philanthropy throughout Indiana, includes grant-maker and grant-seeker links.

Nonprofit Good Practice Guides

Network for Good - easy to use tools for online donation and volunteer service.

TechSoup.org - Technology information specifically aimed at non-profits.

Wayne County Foundation: How to Apply for Grants" - direct link on how Wayne County, Indiana not-for-profits can apply for grants.

Waynet, Inc. offers membership waivers to 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organizations on a case-by-case basis. If your organization is interested in a waiver, please fill out the Membership Application Form and Fee Waiver Application.


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Whitewater Acupuncture

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Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

Richmond was once known as "the lawnmower capital" because of the lawn mowers manufactured here from the late 19th century through the mid-20th century. Manufacturers included Motomower, Dille-McGuire and F&N.